About Me
Bits & Pieces
It’s been thirty-odd years, and I still don't have a good answer for people when they ask me, "Where are you from?" Most people just say their hometown. You know, the place you grew up. Easy, right? But here's the thing: I grew up in a lot of places. Most people can count the number of homes in which they've lived on one hand. I would need both hands and a healthy dose of toes to fully enumerate mine. My parents were in the military, which meant nearly every six months we found a new home somewhere, so I usually just say "I'm from America." But ultimately I’m thankful for all those years of moving because it gave me a deep appreciation for people and the beauty of the world all around us.
In 2013, I graduated with a BFA in graphic design from the Savannah College of Art & Design in Savannah, GA. Before that, I got a B.S. in Information Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY, and worked for a few years as a web designer before heading back to school. I apparently love colleges with long names.
It took me forever to realize that I wanted to be an artist. When I was a kid, I would draw and draw and draw until my mom ran out of room to put things on her wall at work, but when I got to high school, it sort of faded away in favor of programming classes and sports. I’m glad I found my way back because being an artist is the best. Take that, middle school bullies.
I love coffee, branding, old books, illustrating, Wes Anderson films, textures, trampolines, bluegrass, printmaking, rainy days, hand-lettering, fireplaces, the colors blue and red together, fresh mozzarella, using Twizzlers as a straw, swing dancing, forgetting where I parked, denim jackets, beards, blazers, and good beer. I don't hate very many things other than landing on Boardwalk with three hotels, hiccups, and wearing jeans when they'e wet. Gross.
I'm open for freelance work, so feel free to contact me at mayers.christopher (at) gmail (dot) com